Saturday, March 29, 2008

Title: Animals should definitely not wear clothing.

Author: Judi Barrett

Illustrator: Ron Barrett

Genre: Fantasy

Summary: This humorous book is bound to make everyone laugh as well as think about each mentioned animal’s limitations. It is so very funny and enjoyable to see familiar animals in clothing and to see through pictures why clothes for them are not the best idea. Children will love this book and want to look through it many times over. It shows even the youngest child why animals are perfect “undressed”, just as they are!

Characters: Ms. Barrett uses common zoo and farm animals and shows us what would happen if each dressed in clothes. It is not possible to read and look at the pictures of this book without enjoying it. Child and adult will love this book and reading it together will be great fun.

Age Level: This book is appropriate for children in the 3-7 age groups. Younger children can have it read to them and older children can read it themselves .There are some sophisticated words blended with high-frequency words to make it appropriate reading for the first-grade child.


Lisa said...

This story sounds so fun! I'll have to read it soon. I'm sure you are correct when you say children and adults would both love it. I cracked up just looking at the cover picture! Thanks for the suggestion.

Jeannie Mulcahy said...

The humor in the story makes books like this so appealing to young children. It would also serve as a good introduction to a discussion comparing humans and animals. Good choice!