Thursday, January 24, 2008

"The Knight Who Took All Day" by: James Mayhem

Title: "The Knight Who Took All Day"

Author: James Mayhem

Illustrator: none

Genre: fairy tale

Summary: (as shown on the cover) A foolish knight longs to impress a golden-haired princess. To display his marvelous skills with shield and sword, all he needs is a dragon. But when one finally appears on the horizon, breathing streams of fire, will he be ready in time to save the kingdom? Or is this knight more interested in appearances than action? Up the stairs, down the stairs goes his tireless squire, fetching fashionable armor. Meanwhile, bored with waiting, the quick-witted princess takes matters into her own hands!

Characters: the knight, the princess, the squire, and the dragon

Grade Level: This book is a very quick read. I believe preschool through first grade would enjoy this story.

Comments: This was a really cute book and very easy to read to the children. I work with Preschool children and they were captured by the drawings and the fact that there was a Prince a Princess and Dragon. The children were able to make guesses as to what would happen next, and it also gave a little lesson at the end. I recommend reading this story at any time during the year. I used this with a "Fairy tale" theme during the month of February.

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