Monday, February 11, 2008

King Bidgood's in the Bathtub

author: Audrey Wood
illustrator: Don Wood
genre: fantasy
Summary: This is a humorous, rhyming book about a king who will not get out of the bathtub. The queen and his court all try to persuade him by telling him it's time to do something else, such as eat, fish or attend the ball. The kings response is to have all these activities occur in the tub with him. This problem is solved at the end of the story by a young boy, the page in a creative and funny way.
characters: King Bidgood, Page, Queen, Court, Knight, Duke
grade level: Appropriate for prek - second grade.
comments: This is an entertaining book that has rich illustrations and vocabulary. It introduces young children to a different time in history with the pictures and titles of characters. All children laugh at the end and enjoy the repetitive text. This book is a Caldecott Award winner.


Kerri H. said...

Isn't this a great book!? My preschoolers loved it too and poured over the pages looking at all the different characters. I think it's just silly enough to make everyone giggle but it's also written so well. I think a "big book" of it would be a great idea in a classroom.

mhayden said...

I really like the illustrations in this story. My students like the end when the boy pulls the plug.