Sunday, February 24, 2008

Cool Penguins

Author: Jeff Bauer

Genre: Informational

Summary: This book offers great facts about penguins. Including different types of penguins, their survival skills, how they move, and how they care for their young.

Grade level: Preschool - Third Grade

Comments: I like that this book covers some important facts about penguins. I also feel that there is just enough text to keep the children's interested. The majority of the pages are covered with real life pictures to help students make connections.


Anonymous said...

This book sounds like a good book to use when teaching about Penguins. I like the fact that it covers important facts and that it includes real life pictures to help students make connections. I have several Penguin books but I will look into adding this book to my Penguin collection.

annebrady said...

I agree that this is a great tool to teach about penguins while keeping it simple enough for young children. I am using this in my lesson plans for my Penguin theme unit in ECE 584!